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Denise Williams


Learning Goals and Scales and Cooperative Learning Strategies


Room 113 (10/13 only) would be a great place to visit to see Learning Goals and Scales and Cooperative Learning Strategies in action!  Visit Senora Williams during 1st and 4th Period during the first 20 minutes of these class periods.


The collaborative structure I’ll be implementing will be “Round Table” strategy.  In teams of 3 or 4, students will take turns to contribute in the description of a well-known person (artist/CEO/athlete).  Students will use descriptive adjectives, nationalities, and the correct form of the verb “ser” (to be) conjugated in the present tense.  Thereafter, students will present and share their descriptions to the class.


Before the activity, we’ll review the E. Q., Learning Goal, and the scale for self-assessment of their level of proficiency and understanding on the skills of R (reading), W (writing), L (listening), and S (speaking).  Students write their levels on the TOD w/the answer to the EQ and turned in at the end of the class as formative assessment.


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